How to Find the Right SaaS Content Agency (Top 2 Categories)
Henry Bassey

Henry Bassey

6 min readOct 21 2024

How to Find the Right SaaS Content Agency (Top 2 Categories)

Many articles will claim that one SaaS content agency stands above the rest. While I’m here to make a case, we must acknowledge that SaaS businesses are designed to serve different audiences. This means there would be various categories of content marketing agencies, and finding the right one depends on which audience matters most to your business.

You might target the highly technical group (developers, engineers, and IT professionals) using your services to build their projects. This target audience needs content that speaks directly to their technical challenges, whether that’s through tutorials, documentation, or in-depth guides (commonly referred to as developer marketing). They won’t engage with surface-level content and can quickly spot when content lacks the expertise they’re looking for.

The other targets are the B2B decision-makers (companies looking to purchase SaaS solutions for internal use). They aren’t as concerned with technical details but need content that shows the bigger picture, like thought leadership pieces, case studies, and examples of how SaaS can solve their business problems. They care less about the inner workings and more about the strategic advantages they'll gain by adopting a SaaS solution.

It’s easy to see how SaaS agencies naturally fall into these two categories. Some focus primarily on creating technical content to engage developers and IT teams. Others specialize in high-level content that appeals to business leaders making purchasing decisions. Knowing this difference will help you choose the right type of agency—or decide if you need a mix of both to reach your entire audience and align with your overall content strategy.

This guide will address choosing the right content marketing services based on your audience's needs.

The Best Developer Marketing SaaS Content agencies

If your SaaS business has a developer-facing product, especially one with an API, you’ll want to work with a content marketing agency that can address a technical audience. Developer marketing agencies specialize in creating highly technical content like API documentation, tutorials, and integration guides.

They aim to engage developers, engineers, and IT professionals by providing the detailed, practical information developers need to work with your product. These agencies focus on delivering content that addresses real-world technical challenges, helping you attract and retain the right users who value precision and depth. The agencies under this category are:

  • Hackmamba
  • Catchy

However, there are specific questions you should ask before engaging these agencies to determine if they’re a great fit:

1. What’s their approach to developer marketing content?

From our experience, the best approach to this type of content marketing is empowering developers with valuable knowledge and actionable insights to solve real problems using your solutions. We believe the key to building loyalty and a developer community that advocates for your product lies in education, not sales pitches.

Developer marketing should be driven by the intention to deliver practical technical tutorials, detailed documentation, and educational resources. These pieces guide developers through discovering, learning about, and integrating your solutions into their workflows.

For instance, Hackmamba has worked with numerous technology companies such as Appwrite, Flutterwave, Hygraph, Sourcegraph, and Jozu to create hands-on tutorials, including turning Proprietary Data into Expert AI with Lamini and KitOps. This tutorial demonstrated how Developers and Data Scientists can fine-tune and securely deploy LLMs using the KitOps solution.

Similarly, our years of collaboration with Cloudinary have resulted in many detailed guides and tutorials for developer enablement, including this example of uploading images and videos using Next.js, Multer, and Xata Database, which addresses key pain points for developers handling media uploads.

2. What’s their approach to developing documentation?

Do they have conversations with developers before drafting documentation? Engaging in this dialogue helps create materials that directly address developers' needs, making the transition from discovery to implementation smoother. This leads to a more engaged developer community ready to adopt your product.

For example, when creating documentation for one of our clients, Flutterwave, we conducted interviews and prepared targeted questions covering API usability, functionality, error handling, features, comparisons, and overall experiences. This feedback shaped the documentation that we eventually produced.

3. How do they measure success?

Content strategies around developer marketing should be built around shortening the time it takes developers to move from interest to implementation and should consistently track how well your content drives qualified adoption. Every tutorial, guide, and piece of documentation we produce is aimed at streamlining adoption and building developer confidence in your product.

We emphasize the importance of the overall developer experience (DevX) because each interaction developers have with your brand—from the quality of documentation to the ease of integration—contributes to their perception of your product. By focusing on optimizing DevX, agencies help create a positive developer journey that builds long-term trust and adoption.

4. Do they work with freelancers?

Hiring freelancers might seem like the easy solution for creating content, but it's rarely the most effective. Freelancers often approach content from a distance. They juggle multiple clients and seldom have the time to dive deep into your product. The result? Generic content that lacks the insights necessary to connect with your audience.

We approach content creation differently. Instead of freelancers, we assign dedicated teams to each client. These teams work with you long-term, immersing themselves in your product. Over time, they understand your offering deeply, enabling them to create content informed by experience, not surface-level research. Think of them as an extension of your internal team, with the added advantage of bringing fresh ideas and an outside perspective.

This approach eliminates the common disconnect between product and content that often happens when freelancers are brought in. You get a team that knows your product inside and out and can create detailed, thoughtful content that drives conversions.

5. What’s the technical background of their writers?

The quality of your content depends on the knowledge of the writer. A good technical writing agency should hire engineers, not just writers, to develop content. Their team should consist of individuals who have hands-on experience with the technology behind your product. Rather than relying on surface-level research, the writers should actively work and build using the tools.

Here’s how we do it: Say you need a tutorial on your API. One of our writers will start by using the API, setting up integrations, building a demo, and identifying any potential issues a developer might face. This hands-on approach allows us to create content developers find useful because it’s written from real experience, not guesswork.

This makes the content more credible and valuable to developers, helping them move quickly from learning to implementation and building trust in your product.

6. How do they guarantee high-quality content?

When it comes to content, many agencies claim to deliver "high-quality," but often, their process lacks depth. They may review content superficially, skim over code validation, and rush to publish without thorough feedback. In contrast, a strong agency embeds quality assessment into every stage of the review process.

Our approach starts with a peer review system where at least five team members rigorously analyze each piece of content, validate codes, and provide objective feedback from different perspectives.

Next, our content heads evaluate if the piece:

  • meets your goals
  • aligns with your brief
  • tells a compelling story
  • is positioned to drive actual adoption and influence your audience.

At the same time, we run a detailed SEO review, aligning the content with strategic search intent so it has a strong chance of being discovered by the right people. Our technical experts also verify complex concepts for highly technical content. Once we’re confident the content holds up to scrutiny, we pass it through a final language review to catch any remaining grammar or clarity issues. The final touch? We collaborate with you, incorporating your feedback before anything is published.

This layered approach is how we deliver real quality content built to perform.

7. How do they do SEO?

Many agencies rush to stuff content with keywords, prioritizing traffic over real results. This approach often leads to content that ranks without engaging or converting. A more strategic agency focuses on getting the audience to take action, using SEO to convert leads and not just boost numbers. For instance, their SEO content strategy should target high-intent keywords, attracting organic traffic and qualified leads that are more likely to convert.

We follow a simple principle of quality control: write first, optimize later. Here's why. When you start with your audience’s needs, the content naturally serves readers and search engines. The result is content that resonates with your users and improves SEO in ways keyword-stuffed articles never can.

Our team uses two core methods to bring this vision to life:

  • Top-down approach: Our SEO experts lead the research using this method. We identify the gaps in your competitors’ content. From there, we work closely with technical writers to create pieces optimized from the ground up. Every piece is strategically built to rank and engage based on data we uncover about what your potential customers are searching for.

  • Bottom-up approach: This process starts with the technical writers. Technical writers use their deep subject-matter expertise to create content first, focusing on the audience's needs. Afterward, we refine it to meet SEO requirements. This ensures we never lose sight of the primary goal of delivering valuable content that helps your readers. No wonder most content we write ranks high on SERP, even for the insanely competitive keywords like this one we wrote for Hygraph:

This table shows the overall content performance for Hygraph:

8. What’s their position on AI-generated content?

Many agencies have embraced AI-generated content, often sacrificing quality for convenience. This leads to content that may be efficient but lacks depth and genuine connection with the audience. A more thoughtful agency understands that human writers bring what machines can’t—context, empathy, and a proper grasp of the audience.

When we produce content, we aim to tell your story in a way that resonates with your target audience. Only a real person can do that because it requires a deep understanding of your product and how it fits into the broader market.

Do we hate AI? Of course not. We see tremendous potential in AI as a repurposing engine, perfect for taking well-crafted human-written content and turning it into new formats. But it has to start with high-quality source content written by real experts. Without that strong foundation, AI is just amplifying mediocrity.

Choosing human-written content over AI is about maintaining the quality and depth that your audience expects of you.

9. Do they promote your content?

Many agencies view the publishing stage as the finish line, leaving clients to fend for themselves regarding promotion. This often results in valuable content going unnoticed and failing to reach its intended audience.

In contrast, a dedicated agency recognizes that its work begins after publication. They take complete ownership of the content pipeline, managing everything from ideation to publication. Their primary goal is that your product receives the visibility it deserves, driving engagement and results.

We actively promote your material long after it goes live through social media marketing, creating supporting videos, memes, infographics—any format that captures attention. This added value comes at no extra cost. Why? Because we believe in your product and want it to succeed just as much as you do.

Example of a social media distributed post

We tap into our technical community to get your content in front of those who care. Our networks amplify your content, transforming it into something your audience engages with and seeing that your message consistently reaches the right people in the right places.

With the above in mind, here are the developer-focused content agencies you should work with:

1. Hackmamba

Hackmamba SaaS Content Agency

Hackmamba is a technical content marketing and documentation agency that helps SaaS teams drive revenue growth and product adoption with the right content. We specialize in creating rich articles and documentation with subject-matter expertise. This includes the strategy, creation, and distribution of guides, tutorials, documentation, and product marketing content.

We've worked with startups and unicorns, such as Mia-Platform, Magnolia, Flutterwave, Appwrite, Neon, Sourcegraph, and Hygraph. See our complete portfolio here.

Note: We haven’t worked with the agencies below, but they are prominent in the industry.


Draftdev SaaS Content marketing agency works specifically with companies aiming to reach software developers, data engineers, and DevOps professionals. Their clients typically include Developer Relations or Developer Marketing teams at mid-sized companies (50+ employees) or those with at least Series A funding.

They focus on producing highly technical content, such as tutorials and blog posts, and can also assist with content planning, ideation, and one-time projects like eBooks. Subject-matter experts craft each piece of content to ensure deep technical accuracy and value. Their experienced engineers and editors guarantee that every article is polished and ready to be published. Notable clients include Redpanda, Sinch, JetBrains, and Equinix.

3. Catchy

Catchy saas marketing agency

Catchy is a saas marketing agency that builds, grows, and manages developer programs for some of the world’s most innovative companies. They offer various developer marketing services, such as go-to-market strategies, demand generation, developer experience, and production services. Catchy has worked with emerging tech companies and Fortune 500 brands to reinvent their approach to developer engagement. Their client roster includes Meta, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Intel. Visit their respective sites to learn more about their services and the industries they serve.

B2B SaaS Content Agencies

B2B SaaS content agencies are experts at creating content that resonates with business decision-makers, product managers, and professionals across industries. These agencies focus on content like case studies, white papers, and product comparisons to demonstrate the value of your product in solving specific business challenges. They emphasize ROI, integration capabilities, and efficiency to support informed purchasing decisions. Below are a few standout B2B SaaS content agencies we see often:

  1. Animalz
  2. GrowandConvert

1. Animalz

Animalz b2b saas content marketing agency

Animalz is a b2b saas content marketing agency that creates growth-focused content for enterprises, startups, and VC-backed firms. Their approach is centered on delivering long-form, high-quality content that promotes sustainable growth over time. From SEO to lead generation and product marketing, they offer services tailored to each client’s unique needs.

Animalz has worked with major brands such as Google, Airtable, GoDaddy, etc., helping them create impactful content that drives engagement and growth. Visit their site to explore their services and case studies more.

2. Grow and Convert

Growandconvert saas marketing agency

Grow and Convert is an SEO agency that generates leads, sales, and signups through high-intent keywords. Unlike other agencies that focus on driving traffic, they prioritize content that converts so that each piece they produce directly supports a client’s bottom line.

They have worked with companies like Smartlook, Patreon, Brandfolder, and Leadfeeder, helping them reach their target audiences with content that drives real results. Visit their site for detailed information on how they drive conversions through content.

Do We Work With B2B SaaS?

Yes, we do! We've collaborated with B2B enterprise clients such as Mia-Platform, Magnolia, and Monogram. We focus on creating thought leadership content, whitepapers, use cases, and more for their technical decision-maker audience.

Interested in working with us or learning how we can help solve your challenges? Feel free to reach out to us here.

About the author

Henry Bassey spearheads Content Strategy and Marketing Operations at Hackmamba. He holds an MBA from the prestigious Quantic School of Business and Technology with a solid technical background. A strong advocate for innovation and thought leadership, his commitment permeates every content he handles for clients at Hackmamba.

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